Monday, October 26, 2020



#Pathogenesis 0001 Dana Howl #An
(-)ssRNA Virus #App#Tail
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 1010 ⮔ ⯯
"So, This Guy, Raymond
You Saw Him Having
Paranoid Delusions
&Getting High
Hmmm, Mr. Prosecutor
So, Do You Intend to
Charge My Client
w/Paranoid Delusions?"

#Pathogenesis 0010 Dana Howl #De
(-)ssRNA Virus #App ⮆ UTR
20:20 #SexDrive ⭼ 1001 ⮔
"That's 'Interesting', Mr. Prosecutor
But This Guy, Raymond,
Doesn't Know Any Fem Doms
Not Even an Online Relationship
He Just Gets High
&Has Paranoid Delusions"

#Pathogenesis 0011 Dana Howl #Ti
(-)ssRNA Virus App ⮇ Doc
20:20 #SexDrive ⭽ 1000 ⮔ ⯭ #PlugIn
'I'm Just Trying to #Figure Out
Why You Think It's More Important
to Become a Slave to
a Female Dominant
Than It to Become a Slave
to Sum Dat Moe Dawg'

#Pathogenesis 0100 Dana Howl #Go
(-)ssRNA Virus #App ⮄ CDS ⬖ 64
20:20 #SexDrive ⭺ 0111 ⮔ ⯬ #PlugIn
"So, Mr. Prosecutor
Raymond is Almost 46-Years-Old
&In That 46 Years
There is Not Even an
Online-Only Relationship
Between Raymond
&a 'fem dom'"

#Pathogenesis 0101 Dana Howl #Su
(-)ssRNA Virus #App#CDS
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 0110 ⮔ ⯯ #PlugIn
"So, Raymond is
Getting High
&Having Paranoid Delusions
&Watching Videos
On #YouTube Again
I'm Just Trying to Figure Out
Where the 'fem dom' is"

#Pathogenesis 0110 Dana Howl #By
(-)ssRNA Virus #App#CDS
20:20 #SexDrive ⭼ 0101 ⮔
'Well, he's willing to be a slave
to female dominant
So I Put him in a slave #category
since he is willing to be
a slave to someone else
he has no human rights'

#Pathogenesis 0111 Dana Howl #Ra
(-)ssRNA Virus #App#AUG
20:20 #SexDrive ⭽ 0100 ⮔ ⯭ 102
Shimma Shimma
"Their Prosecutor Suspects
That Raymond Had a Fantasy
About a Dominatrix
&Their Prosecutor Says That
Cancels Out Raymond's
Human Rights"

#Pathogenesis 1000 Dana Howl #Me
(-)ssRNA Virus App ⮄ UTR ⬖
20:20 #SexDrive ⭺ 0011 ⮔ ⯬
"So, Mr. Prosecutor
You've Been Monitoring Raymond
for The Past 4+ Years
and All You've Seen
Raymond Do
Is Get High
&Have Paranoid Delusions Everyday?"

#Pathogenesis 1001 Dana Howl #Ni
(-)ssRNA Virus #App ⮅ IRES ⬙
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 0010 ⮔ ⯯ #PlugIn
#YouTube as #IRES
"So, Raymond Has Never Even
Been in an Online-Only Thing
w/a Female Dominant?
Your Prosecutor
Doesn't Even Have That Much?"

#Pathogenesis 1010 Dana Howl #Ko
(-)ssRNA Virus App ⮔ Cap ⬗
20:20 #SexDrive ⮸ 0001 ⮔ ⯮ #PlugIn
"So, Mr. Prosecutor
All You Have is
The Paranoid Delusions
of a Middle-Aged Man
w/a History of Substance Abuse,
&What Videos
He Watches On YouTube?"


  1. See both adam and eve smirking asses off as they dance in circles

    adam points at The Arctic Fox&say to eve
    "his human rights are cancelled out
    because he watched your video on youtube
    HA HA HA"

    See eve, who does not know The Arctic Fox, start laughing her fucking ass off 'HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
    that punk's human rights are cancelled out because he watched my video on youtube

    Ha Ha Ha'

  2. "Okay, Mr. Prosecutor

    But Raymond Jackson Has Never Been a Slave
    Raymond Has Never Submitted to Slavery
    Raymond Has Never Volunteered for Slavery
    Not Even In Online-Only BDSM Roleplay
    You Don't Even Have a Chat Transcript to Show
    Not Even That Much

    Hmmm, So I'm Just Trying to Figure Out Where This
    'willingness to be a slave' that you keep trying to charge Raymond w/is

    You Say That Raymond Has No Human Rights
    Because 'he is willing to be a slave to someone else'
    and that you have him in a 'slave category'

    But Raymond Has Never Been a Slave

    Not Even in Online-Only BDSM Roleplay

    Oh, Okay, You Suspect That Raymond Fantasizes About Being a Slave to a Female Dominant? Hmmm

    Mr. Prosecutor, Don't You Have a Composite Feed Rendered of The Suspect's Thought Stream, and Haven't You Been Having That Thought Stream Monitored 24/7 for at least the past 4 years?
    Hmmm, So You Can Read The Thoughts That Occurred In Raymond's Mind
    Throughout Every Day Over That Past 4 Years

    So, Mr. Prosecutor, During That 4-Year Surveillance
    You Never Once Observed Raymond Fantasizing About Being a Slave to a Female Dominant?


    Okay, So This Guy, Raymond, He Gets High A Lot and Talks to Himself, Having PARANOID DELUSIONS?"

  3. Rabola 102 Says to 66/6

    "Look at Models Where There is Some Form of

    a Free Black Man in The North Who Has Never Been a Slave
    and a White Plantation Owner in The South Who is Trying to Say That The Free Black Man in The North
    Used to Be a Slave On His Plantation
    Therefore He Should Be Returned to The Plantation
    Because He's in a Slave Category

    Look for Different Forms of This

    and See The Situation w/Our Parent Program"
